Corporate Service and Training - Impact

About Who We Are

IMPACT is a one-stop language solution that understands the importance of proper use of language to effectively communicate in the global and local market. We help companies and their team of people become authentically worthy global citizens through verbal and written communicative solutions. We value collaboration, creativity, and growth in every single process. Having had two decades of experience in the language development industry, we passionately commit to our clients’ development and take pride in their success.

We believe, the ultimate way of making a contribution to our profession and society lies in the ability to connect and communicate.

It is about becoming global citizens.
It is #BeyondLanguage

Our Service

Language Upgrading

Upgrade Your Language,
Upgrade Your Business

This customized training program aims to help you increase the ability of communicating in written format (Business Correspondence) and/or verbal format (Business Communication) for your specific business purposes.

Business Correspondence Examples:
Emails, Reports, Contracts, Articles, Presentation Slides.

Business Communication Examples:
Presentations, Negotiations, Meetings, Customer Relations, Telephoning skills.

Case Examples

Business Correspondence Examples:


Business Communication Examples:

Customer Relation

Case Study

Levi’s is a multinational company where employees need to communicate regularly with colleagues from other countries.

Executive level employees need an understanding of business communication both in speaking and in writing. Our IMPACT trainers provide Levi’s with training programs that enhance English business communication skills for employees to lead meetings, conduct presentations and construct reports.

The training program is packed with fun and interactive activities to help participants retain new information as well as be able to directly apply it in their work scenario.

Our Service

Language Interpretation

Every Single
Word Matters!

This is a language service that will improve your judgment and decision making.

It is not about taking one language and saying it in another language. It is about the process of comprehending an idea and explaining it so that the receiving parties have a full understanding of the intended meaning.

Case Examples

Strategic Direction

Interpret foreign leader’s direction to local team.


Interpret conference content to a large audience simultaneously.


Interpret between two people/parties.

Case Study

Tempo Scan is a large pharmaceutical company that has several foreign employees.

Our IMPACT interpreters have helped intermediate Tempo Scan foreign employees with Indonesian government officials in a bilateral interpretation process. This allows both sides to have a better communication process and get all important information across. Any form of miscommunication and misunderstanding can be avoided and cases can be dealt with effectively.

Our Service

Language Translation

1 + 2 is
Not Always 3

This is a language service that helps you understand written ideas in a culturally and contextually appropriate manner.

It is not about translating word for word. It is about translating and communicating meaningful ideas to the readers. One word does not necessarily contain a single meaning. Some phrases and idioms cannot be directly translated, as it depends on the purpose and context.

Case Examples

Legal Document
Manual Book
Company Profile

Case Study

Our IMPACT translators have assisted VOOYA with the content of their website and company profile. We helped identify the proper English terms to better communicate their perspective and core business to suit their target market’s language.

It is not merely translating Indonesian words to English, it is the art of translating VOOYA’s passion and ideas into written words in order for it to be felt by the readers.

Our Service

Language Proofreading

Missing A Word,
Missing Opportunities

This language service ensures that your written content delivers ideas clearly with the correct choice of vocabulary and language style as well as accurate spelling and grammar.

Wrong words can lead to bad judgement from your target audience or reader.

Case Examples

Journals & Articles
Presentation Slides
Media & Advertising Content

Case Study

The Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia has several employees that need to present their journals at international conferences. Therefore, one of the requirements is that the delivery of the writing content must meet international standards.

Our IMPACT editors have proofread a variety of journals and topics to make sure they meet the criteria. Our editors work hand in hand with the authors of the journals to make sure that not only is the writing accurate in grammar and spelling, but also that the message is clear in context.

Our Clients

We help them succeed. Let’s start on yours.

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"I can’t believe the progress of my team’s English abilities in their reading and speaking after following IMPACT intensive class. My team was so confident in presenting their improvement in ICQCC, Malaysia. I believe that the Gold Medal we got in ICQCC was achieved with the support of IMPACT. Bravo IMPACT!"

Helminton J. Sitanggang - PT Antam (Persero), TBK

“Training with IMPACT is very interesting and fun because it is supported with great facility and interactive trainers therefore the participants can easily understand the lesson delivered.”

Sari Rahmi Utami - Bank Mandiri

“All of the trainers are friendly and creative. Games are given to make the training more fun and easy to comprehend. The trainers encourage all participants to take part by giving practical sessions individually or in a group with comprehensive delivery, giving them some insights on what to do next in their daily work. Overall, Impact could tailor what clients need and even give input to deliver the program effectively.”

Mariana Farida - The Body Shop Indonesia

“IMPACT gives a great Business Communication training with fun and friendly trainers.”

Billian Zakaria - Samsung Electronics Indonesia

Learn More and Be Inspired

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